Monday, January 24, 2011

Wind it up

There are two buckets full of wind up toys in the Nana room. The grandkids actually ask me to bring them out and they play with all of them. Yes there are favorites among the hopping, spinning, flapping & walking creatures. Some of them are new creations and some are vintage like the Woodstock of Peanuts fame.
There is one windup vintage toy character that none of the kids knew. They had asked me previously who it was and it took me a while to decide how to explain him. Last night he was brought out again and the renewed interest began. This time with Mommy around we tried to explain E.T.

I happen to have the movie on DVD and suggested we all watch it together. Mommy was not so sure they were ready for it. These grandchildren are 3-5-7 years old and can be sensitive to sad stories. After dinner we put the movie in. Unfortunately Mommy said when she was a little girl she was afraid at the beginning so that put it in their minds that it was a spooky story. They all wanted to sit next to Mommy with the blanket.

I know I should have taken pictures. But let’s just say it was soooooooo darn cute watching everyone experience E.T. for the first time. Joy thinks he is scary but loves Gertie (Drew Barrymore). Korban was really immersed in how Elliot was trying to take care of E.T., And Kentucky was able to predict the “Feelings” E.T. was having about wanting to go home. He also loved (jumped all over the living room) the bike race at the end and helping E.T. escape.

Over all it was wonderful. As Mommy and I watched we also noticed all the bloopers, clothing/costume choices, toys in the closet and Product Placement (Reeses Pieces, Coors Beer, etc.). This made it even interesting to us. Even Grandpa said it was the first time he had seen all three kids engrossed in the same movie. They never left the room.

Now my little wind up toy has a special meaning to 3 more kids.
Phone Home. . . . . . . .

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