We went there at 4pm so the setting sun comes into the park from across the Molalla river and creates beautiful lighting.
Joy loves the tire swing and the regular swing.
Pushin' Big Brother
Doesn't this totally say "HE's not sharing!"
Now the short story. . . .
Keep your eye on the cream colored goose.Korban loves the animals so much he was feeding the geese straight from his hand. This is ok for ducks if they actually get close enough, but Geese. . .no.
NOw the goose is "posturing".
I'm beginning to get worried but still taking pictures.
Now you see the creamed colored goose has gone around behind the kids. She sure knows how to go in for the kill.
Joy figures out the next move. . .Run for Nana.
Korban got attacked, the goose was biting his shirt. Korban was very scared and ran to me too.
There are no pictures of what happened next, that is cause NANA was being attacked by the Goose. She postured and charged me. As I was running backwards only 2 feet from the pond's edge. I realized I was going to fall in if I didn't stop.
Yelling at the bird didn't help so with her 4 inches from my knees and snapping I took my right hand, made a fist and punched the bird in the back. She immediatly stopped and honked indignently and walked away, never to bother us again.
Now. . . please understand, I only used enough force to deter the goose, like you would to stop a Dog from chewing on something.
But it was quite a scene I wish someone else could have captured on film. I'm a hero in the kid's eyes. LOL!
Enough of the duck Pond. . .this picture reminds me of Hansel & Gretal.