MyddleSee Towne Council Meeting MinutesMab Calendar - Haily 14, 6741
Human Calendar - March 10, 2009Old BusinessThe neighborhood is growing. The developer has submitted the plans for the whole towne square complex. We know that six of the structures were completed but at this time only 4 buildings have images we can draw from.
The other two have been removed at the owners expense and are residing on new ground. One in Southern Oregon and one in Hamburg Germany.
Of those four that remain, two are still owned by the developer (Posy Palace & Orlan Shooze tool Shed). One is in Oregon City (a residential home) and another one (The Gremlin Cage) was first removed to Virginia but now has come back to Oregon and is currently in Springfield.
With the new plans in place the developer (Fae Enchantments) has proposed additional shops and residences. So far there have been three residences built, one Gremlin cage, a Flower shoppe (Posy's Palace) and the Tool Shed (Orlan Shooze). Slated for future construction is:
Fancy Flight Emporium(Wing repair shoppe)
Libation Creations (public house)
Purging/Purification Pots (Laundress shoppe)
Fairy Fodder (Grocery store)
Melodic Whispers (Music shoppe)
Embers Tyne (Blacksmythe)
A vote was taken and approved to allow Fae Enchanments to continue with the proposal till further notice.
It should be noted that the Towne council is open to any conversations and proposals that may help make our towne of MyddleSee flourish.
New BusinessOrlan Shooze of the Tool Shed would like to announce a sale on gardening tools with Springtime arriving everyone should ready their homes.
Petal Pusher of the Posy Palace also reminds us that the bulbs will be blooming soon so encourage their bright colors by whispering to the bulbs that the sun has come to stay. This should bring out the shyest tulip.
Next Towne Council meeting will be held on Showers 10, 6741 (
April 4, 2009) at Petal Pusher's Posy Palace.