Sunday, June 6, 2010


Had a few interesting pictures in the past 2 weeks.

Son-In-Law David. . .in crawl space helping Jerry figure out where the new vent is going to go under the house. He sure got dirty and I appreciate his bravery to be "one" with the spiders down there. The funniest part was when he found a pair of Jerry's glasses. . . .Jerry hasn't been down there in about 4 years. You can bet the prescription level has changed since then.

And here we have Emery & Luelle enjoying the local park. He is going to be able to run with the big boys soon. Much to his mother's dismay.

Kentucky had his Kindergarten graduation and concert. Here is a part of the song "I'm a Little Teapot".

Gotta love the brother love shown here. I wonder how long this is going to last.

1 comment:

jaci said...

The drool gets me every time... Love Luelle's pic!

Maybe Jerry can save his glasses for some future Hallowe'en party?

Anyway - great pics as always!