Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Now for something different

At least once a week I visit a thrift store. Could be Goodwill, or Value Village, or some one of a kind store owned locally. Especially during the halloween season I pay visits to my haunts.
Yesterday it paid off.
Yes I look for costumes or parts of costumes. But yesterday I yanked from a hanger an item that was 90+ years old. Ok. . .I get to brag for a moment. I know my fashion, I could tell immediately that the wool dress with the Pinned on collar was very old compared to the nylon monstrosities it was hanging next to.
Yes the wool had some small moth holes in it. But the structure was VERY sound. The pins in the collar and the belt are original. All the snap closures are in very good condition.
With $4.99 I took this lovely home. And after my easy research. . thanks to my full bookcase of fashion books, I can prove the era of it.
Below are the photos and documentation to date the dress. Obviously it is a teen's dress or a maids dress. 1919 made with wool and a cotton collar. This era used buttons as a cost effective embellishment. The collar as white work on it. Simple, servicable, and sturdy.

This dress will now be part of my collection. I have only one other item of that era (world war 1).
I love treasure hunting especially when I am surprised at the gems I find and where I find them.


Victoria said...

Oh my! Congratulations! Too bad it's black wool- so hard to do it justice in photos! Can't wait to see it in person!

jaci said...

WOWSA! That is such a cool find! And for less than five bucks!