Sunday, March 6, 2011

The F Bomb


What helps you focus? Silence? Turn the TV off, the radio off, phone off, quiet the kids/dog/cat/Spouse.

A new pair of glasses? Did my eyesight really change that much in 3 years?
A companion/coworker? That needed encouragement to stay on track, don’t fall off the wagon.

Making a list?
If it isn’t on the list I won’t buy it.

Threats? If I don’t get the bills paid I will get that damn collection call
Rewards? If I get this done I will be satisfied with myself

I know this is the hardest part of my day, staying focused. It is detrimental at work. And it shows up in my review each year. Only they don't call it Focus they call it Prioritizing. Ha, If I really prioritized they (work) would be at the bottom of my list.

Damn that paycheck.

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