Thursday, March 10, 2011

Juxta Moment

The Letter J

For the longest time I didn’t know what this word meant. I loved the sound of it. But then again I like the sound of Jabberwocky.
Once I found out what Juxtapose was and how it fit into my vocabulary I liked it even more.

Did you know it is a fairly new word. It was first used in 1855ish.

And now to use it in my daily life. . . .
Today I received my new work laptop. I had to send in my old Dell and have all the information migrated (transferred) to the new HP laptop.
Now I find myself juxtaposing the two and developing some harsh opinions.

1 comment:

aneri_masi said...

Haha :) We are all such creatures of habit :) Hubby has always had an IBM. Now he got a Dell from work, and he hates it so much, he bought himself an IBM and uses ONLY that. Even for work.

Me, I don't really see a difference in the make as long as it does what I need it to do :)